Disguised Advertisement

Masking advertisements as actual content that blends in with the
rest of an interface, tricking customers into clicking on them



Disguised ads were not conclusively detected in the
applications studied.

*The absence of detection does not imply that Disguised Ads do not exist but
highlights the difficulty in distinguishing between genuine organic content and
paid content


Customer Reviews and Testimonials

often do not disclose their authenticity, making it hard to distinguish genuine feedback from paid reviews.

The study found this issue prevalent in Travel Booking, Health Tech, and E-commerce sectors, with 10 out of 15 apps not indicating review authenticity.

Understanding Disguised Advertisement

Have you ever encountered ads that blends in so well you almost click on them thinking they're part of the content?

Understanding Disguised Advertisement

Falling for disguised ads can have unknown consequences and put your privacy at risk.


A pattern that businesses employ to deceive users
into clicking on advertisements by disguising them
as regular content
within the interface in order to
drive traffic to promoted content

How does it affect users?

Unexpected cart additions lead to frustration,
mistrust in the business,
and potential financial loss.

Ethical Alternatives

Ways in which design can address

Disguised Advertisement


Respecting User Attention

Designate spaces for advertisements within the interface, ensuring they are distinguishable from other useful content.


Upfront Disclosure

Label advertisements and customer reviews before users engage. Use labels like "Sponsored", "Ad", and "Verified Reviews".

Need more Inspiration?

View 50+ Ethical Alternatives to
Privacy Deception and other Deceptive Patterns