Trick Questions

Deliberate use of confusing or vague language,
misdirecting users into taking an action


Less than 5

of the applications studied used Trick Questions in their designs. It was one of the least observed Deceptive Pattern.


Delivery & Logistics

was the only industry where instances of Trick Questions were observed

App User Flow

Exit Journey

is where Trick Questions was commonly observed. This could include abandoning carts, or exiting any flow

Understanding Trick Questions

Have you ever clicked on the wrong option for a confusing question, that tricked you into unintended actions?

Understanding Trick Questions

Trick questions rely on your quick scan-reading, manipulating your response and resulting action.


A pattern that businesses employ to confuse users
into taking an action through use of vague
in order to manipulate user
decisions to benefit business goals

How does it affect users?

Misleads users into unintended actions through confusing
questions and in-direct associated actions.

Ethical Alternatives

Ways in which design can address
Trick Questions


Polite Pathways

Ask straightforward, respectful, “Yes/No” questions that guide users to make informed decisions.

Need more Inspiration?

View 50+ Ethical Alternatives to
Privacy Deception and other Deceptive Patterns