
Constant pop-ups and notifications pushing users to take
an action, making it difficult to finish their task at hand



of the applications studied (8 of 53), used some form of
Nagging in their designs


Health Tech

had the most instances of Nagging (39% of total occurrences),
followed by Travel Booking

App User Flow

Browsing/Searching Products

is where Nagging was commonly observed

Understanding Nagging

Have you ever attempted to close a popup Ad, only for it to show up again later in your journey in a different form?

Understanding Nagging

Businesses use Nagging to wear down user focus, pressuring clicks even if they hurt user experience.


A pattern that businesses employ to annoy users
into taking an action by pestering them with
constant notifications, pop-ups, or messages in
order to gain compliance

How does it affect users?

Nagging can frustrate users by forcing them into unwanted
actions, affecting user experience and trust in the platform.

Ethical Alternatives

Ways in which design can address Nagging


One-Time Opt-out

Allows users to dismiss nagging prompts permanently with a single action, saving them from repetitive interruptions.

Need more Inspiration?

View 50+ Ethical Alternatives to
Privacy Deception and other Deceptive Patterns